Alrighty! I'm home, lots of weirdo things been happening since yesterday. It's about my work and one really weird thing happen today. I was sleepin in the bus on the way home, and than this weird gay looking 40's man sat really hard on the chair and than i woke up, so i took a glance at him and his actually staring at me man!! Next he asked me you are from the navy or airforce? Because i was in my uniform. I replied him Navy. Next he asked me is it at changi naval base? I said yaaa.. so he replied me Wah! So far hor?? I said yea.. Than follow by silences. Than he's been turning his head towards me and fucking looking at me for the whole damn trip! You'll know it when someone's looking at you really obviously. It's really scary.
Anyway i'm so hungry now, haven't yet had my dinner so i'll probably cook some maggi noodles. I'm gonna sleep early today. Meeting Pte Wu Jiaming at 8am for a jog. Was hoping to run for 20km tmr. Not sure whether able to do it as i haven't been running for sometime but JUST DO IT MAN! Determination's there! JOGA BONITA! Few weeks back, i only managed to run till 14km and i stop already. Fuckin Stitches! Damn!
Anyway i'm heading down to Zouk tomorrow to party. So let know if you're going too. Probably will be seeing you there! If not, come along! Lets party! Haven't been partying for almost 2mnths man! I don't know why but just didn't.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Went over to Wen chieh's place again! Notice the white i wore on Claudia's birthday and today was the same? Yea! It was the same. Suddenly I just felt like wearing white and so.. I just wore it. And i've washed it! No worrys! And thanks to my dear Claudia Chew and that how i got this white chef looking shirt! She told me her birthday theme was white, wanting everyone to be angels around her or something like that.. So i rush down to topman to get a white shirt because not wanting to be a devil of Claudia's birthday cause i usually wear black! I was so shock later on when i saw peoples in different colour shirrttts!! And there's blacks!
Anyway it took me lots of my Kungfu to psycho my dear Jamie to come over Chek's place. Wanted to have a good talk with her as i haven't been seeing her for really long man! The last time was my birthday! See what's she doing? MAHJONGGGG!!!! Aunty Alice took her away for MAHJONG!!!! Sad case man! I did not go in the room because Aunt Alice keeps askin me to take over jamie to play.. NOOOOO...... so camoflouge myself outside! I hardly even talk with Jamie man! Stupid Wen Chieh! And he gives me 10bucks to go and blackjack with them outside! I lost it all. HAHAHAA! Anyway i can't remember which photo Jamie said not to upload but .. hahaha nvm laaaaa!
Anyway Idoitic Wen chieh asked Li Ting to come over and than he asked me help entertain her because his really busy.. entertaining Aunty Alice and Jamie. And he left Li Ting for me to handle. WTH man! Anyway, Li Ting keeps complaining she's bored really bored~~ She doesn't know them all. She keeps saying "Stupid Wen Chiehhhh!! He told me alot of people are coming, i asked who's coming and he say Calvin and alot more la.. you know them definetly. And when i came i know none of them." Heard that bro? Darn shit! haha! So i have to entertain her the whole night.. Look at Li Ting, I'm entertaining her the whole damn night so that she won't feel bored and seeee.. she's trying to rape me! For goodness sake! Good deeds no good returns man! Look Huiying and her boyfriend happily taking their own sweet time. Lovely dovey.. Eeeee hair standddd!!
Anyway Wen chieh had to sent Jamie home, and we proceeded to makan. Walked over to prata house!
Now she is trying to act cute and Jiaming is phototaking pictures of everyone. She's trying to ask me for something, can't remember.. but anyway look, she's trying to act like a little girl. wahahhaa! I think she's 17 anyway..
Huiying acting cute! And she's not young! Wahahahaa!
Negotiating and than to prata! It seems like i'm forcing myself to take this photo! hahaaa!
Everyone's walking in couple.. but one of the couple is gay couple! They probably left their heart at BROKE BACK MOUNTAIN! Poor Jiaming solo all the way, busy takin photos. HA!
Prata's full house! So we went over to Hong Kong Cafe! Saw Manuel and Sean on the way. Look at Manuel dresses like a 80's oldies FEVER man! Next stupid Wen Chieh couldn't make it in time to come back and fetch Li Ting, DARN THIS ARSHOLEEEEE!!!! So i've got to sent her home, she's been showing me this little kitten at her house downstair. Keeps playing with it and forgotten that i have to go back to Hong Kong cafe to find the rest. ZzzZzzzz! Finally done with Li Ting and so i than cab back to Hong Kong cafe.. saw Manuel there, Sean went off quite awhile ago.
Anyway, that our photographer of the day! Pte Wu Jiaming! With that one kind of a stupid face!
Now i really look like some Hong Kong Kung Fu Chef!
After reunion dinner i went over to Wen chieh's place. They were playing mahjong. Fuck! I don't even know play.. And they asked me to join in.. What the hell? So Aunty Alice and Benjiamin thought me how to play.. Wooo..... And guess what! I've finally learn the art of mahjong! It's kinda fun though.. I don't know why but i just like to say PONG! I watch those chinese movie and it's the same, they just like to say PONG! too.. And i always thought ZHI MO is you feel the tiles and if guess correctly the tiles, you win alot. So i keep shouting ZHI MO too! Fuck these Hong Kong movies man! Giving me those wrong ideas! I got alot of scolding from them because i keep placing the wrong tiles at the wrong time and i keep shouting the wrong shit! Anyway not long later, Xing Hua came with his girlfriend. So all of them were like teaching me the art of mahjong. I've been learning! And guess what again? I won 6bucks in 20mins man! And we were all playing only 10-20cents. Hahahaa! Anyway thanks to Aunty Alice! She's been teaching me! I think i pick it up real fast but there's still many things i don't know so forget it man.. Anyway those assholessssss wouldn't let me play after that 20mins., not because i win but because i was too slow. I place the tiles in postion real slow, i think for really long and blah blah. Come on man! I'm just rookie to this. A Noob! They say i'll be wasting alot of time so Aunty Alice took over me and i proceed to the sofa and took a quick nap! Next thing i know when i woke up.. It's 6am!! Buleh Mati man!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
It's reunion dinner!
Went to my granny's place to makan! Which i forgot to photoshoot it down! Awww Damn! I miss that! Had a really long chat with Daryl till we forgot the time.. End up causing Krystel Jie jie to sleep late.. So sorry jie!
Saturday. Claudia's 20th birthday!!
It's Claudia birthday! We went down to Timbre.. so PACK!! So we proceeded to Chijmes! You see Claudia's feeding me the cake? Weee.. now it taste so sweeeetttt..... Feel so honour!
This guy came and asked "Did you guys ordered waterfall?" We were like ermmm.. "no, we did not.. you probably got the wrong order.." So he just hmm ok.. alright! and than walked off. Follow by Kenny Mah gave me that evil and say "Eh AAA, why not we share and treat Claudia a waterfall? hahahah!" I replied "Oh yea! Ya ya, sure!" hahaaaa! So we called the guy back and got the waterfall for Claudia! She was shock and "Noooo.... what is this??" HAahahaha! She was afraid of the fire at first waahhaha! They were asking me to help her drink half but.... i did not.. MUahhahaa! It's so exciting! She manage to drink it all up by herself man! Clap Clap! Vanessa and Sihui started blamin me for not help her drink and afraids she gets drunk. Claudia begin to look tipsy and said loud " Calvin, you suck! You were suppose to help me drink some!" I was like Oh noo.... I think the kick is coming..
Look at Jamie!! Laughing so Cheeezzly.. Haahahaaa!!
The next day when i talk to Claudia, asked her how is she doin? Apologizing.. and can't remember.. She told me "I puke 7times yesterday!" I was so Fuckin shock man! I mean she should be getting drunk instead to puking! Salute to you Claudia!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I'm so tired of all this! Probably more to come.....
After that I was suppose to go home at 7.15pm but L COM now starts toturing me. He give all sorts of funny questions asked me to find the ans. It took sometime for me to get the ans.. but everytime i got the ans, he will give more questions from the ans.. so it never ends.. Guess what, i miss the 7.30pm bus. FUCK! He keeps giving me question and i keep giving him ans, keeps going on and on. He says that if i carry on being so slack, he's gonna give me even harder man.. I've been giving him ans and he still keep takaning me! Every questions is getting harder and harder until i couldn't even find ans.. Could you imagine from 4.30 to 8.30 i've been giving him ans and he's been giving me questions. From 4 questions to many many questions! Until 8.30pm than he let me off.. he says he could see i have something important going on.. Fuck that man! See...... This is how the way they played with us the mind games.. I've been played by them for almost 2 fuckin months. I wanted to talk back to him but i just have to think about my saturday till tuesday. Damn! that's how they always gets a hold on us! FUCK!$%#$#@##$!!!!! I'm so damn piss nowwwwwwww! Anw tmr's gonna be another day so... always look at the bright sight of life man! Got to call a cab out but waited for half and hr. Luckily i saw Kexin, her dad fetch me out. Thanks man!
Meet up with Wen chieh at orchard.. saw Sean and Manuel by luck so we went to had dinner together luckily everone haven't had their dinner yet and it's 10.30pm? WTH! Had alot of fun, being public disturbance, doing all kinds of shit stuff giggling and laughing like real bitches all night. Feels so like myself and freedom again! It really brighten up my day man. Anyway it's Wen chieh's birthday today.. thought i had wished but Happy birthday again! Got home soon after.. Now i'm bloggin down all this shit. And i'm really really really really tired now.. I've only been 7hrs for the past 2 and half days. Feel better to write down everything man! Now i'm sleeping and GOOD NIGHT!
Meet up with Wen chieh at orchard.. saw Sean and Manuel by luck so we went to had dinner together luckily everone haven't had their dinner yet and it's 10.30pm? WTH! Had alot of fun, being public disturbance, doing all kinds of shit stuff giggling and laughing like real bitches all night. Feels so like myself and freedom again! It really brighten up my day man. Anyway it's Wen chieh's birthday today.. thought i had wished but Happy birthday again! Got home soon after.. Now i'm bloggin down all this shit. And i'm really really really really tired now.. I've only been 7hrs for the past 2 and half days. Feel better to write down everything man! Now i'm sleeping and GOOD NIGHT!
I'm so f'king stressed uppp! Yesterday and today was a really bad day for me. After L AIS and WCS PO talk to me, calm me down.... I felt better and wanting to change for the better as i'm always really mischievous in the ship, not following orders and always wanting to leave the ship. I told them i'll change, i'll work harder and i'll carry staying in the ship and i'm really serious about that. As for WCS PO i begged him not to put me on duty on saturday and monday because i was so fucking unlucky to kenna duty this 2days. I told him i've got a birthday to attend on saturday and monday.. you know.... the important day, it's chinese new year! He said "by right calvin, you don't derserve this as you know you are like always not following orders but i'm gonna change it for you as it's really important. I really want you to change." So i promise him the next test his gonna give me which is on next friday i'm gonna score 80% and above. If i don't score that i'll memorise all the comparment numbers and full names of all the Chiefs, Po, Ls, Officers and Warrant officers in the ship and if i can't again i'll stay in every monday to friday! I really mean it!
Soon after this when i close up my Nav officer came and fuck me really hard for talkin on the phone during duty. I told him it was something really important and he asked me not to give him that shit? WTH? He said i shud spent time studying.. So i walk off to get the file to study. He fuck me again and say "You think you will have the heart to study after me fucking you? fuck you! don't give me that shit!" I was so f'ckin angry but i had to tolerate. So i told him "Than what you want sir? now i'm going to study, you also fuck me?" He than asked me "what you want? tell me? TELL ME!!" I told him "you shud tell me what you want instead of me tellin you what i want. I'm going to study, you also f'kin me. And not tellin me what you want." Next he just walk off with silence.. WTF? Today morning he just came asked me a few questions and than wanted to confine me for one day. Wah damn it man! I almost walk there and punch that f'kin a**hole! But tolerate..... Damn this tolerate shit man.. I'm never gonna tolerate such shit again. Making me felt like a real dog.. I'm sure it's gonna happen again just probably a different officer. I know i'm in the wrong talkin on the phone. Fuck me once or twice alright.. confine's cool with me too. But don't just keep Fucking me for the sake of fucking that makes you feel greater and happier! It's obvious. F'king wanker! At the end of the i pass the test he gave me and confine's taken away..
Soon after this when i close up my Nav officer came and fuck me really hard for talkin on the phone during duty. I told him it was something really important and he asked me not to give him that shit? WTH? He said i shud spent time studying.. So i walk off to get the file to study. He fuck me again and say "You think you will have the heart to study after me fucking you? fuck you! don't give me that shit!" I was so f'ckin angry but i had to tolerate. So i told him "Than what you want sir? now i'm going to study, you also fuck me?" He than asked me "what you want? tell me? TELL ME!!" I told him "you shud tell me what you want instead of me tellin you what i want. I'm going to study, you also f'kin me. And not tellin me what you want." Next he just walk off with silence.. WTF? Today morning he just came asked me a few questions and than wanted to confine me for one day. Wah damn it man! I almost walk there and punch that f'kin a**hole! But tolerate..... Damn this tolerate shit man.. I'm never gonna tolerate such shit again. Making me felt like a real dog.. I'm sure it's gonna happen again just probably a different officer. I know i'm in the wrong talkin on the phone. Fuck me once or twice alright.. confine's cool with me too. But don't just keep Fucking me for the sake of fucking that makes you feel greater and happier! It's obvious. F'king wanker! At the end of the i pass the test he gave me and confine's taken away..
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Retarded Night!
Got home, saw Manuel Martinez online. We video called and this is what the hell happens!

I know it's kind of retard man! But.... We are so BORED!!!!
Take a closer look. That's how the bitchy Manuel Martinez looks like! Muhahahaaa! An Idoit! I'm sorry Manuel but i just have to say this. Zzzzz~ You made me lose my name you ASSHOLE! YOU ARE SUCH A DIRKY! How's the new Regina anyway? Is she hotter than the old one? I just don't get it? How the hell did you just get to know someone who has the same name as your EX-girlfriend which you just broke off with about 2months ago? Or is it you just have fetish for the name Regina? You are so f'kin lucky dude!

I know it's kind of retard man! But.... We are so BORED!!!!
Take a closer look. That's how the bitchy Manuel Martinez looks like! Muhahahaaa! An Idoit! I'm sorry Manuel but i just have to say this. Zzzzz~ You made me lose my name you ASSHOLE! YOU ARE SUCH A DIRKY! How's the new Regina anyway? Is she hotter than the old one? I just don't get it? How the hell did you just get to know someone who has the same name as your EX-girlfriend which you just broke off with about 2months ago? Or is it you just have fetish for the name Regina? You are so f'kin lucky dude!
Alright.. i'm sleeping now and that's all for todays blog! I'm on duty on wenesday.. Oh man.. Damn it!
Makan Makan!
Wanted to meet up with Manuel Martinez but he's meeting his Mum so we'll probably meet up some other days! Anyway pass my regards to my mother in-law, ask her how's she doing? When is she going to hand over the hands of her daughter to me? Hahaha! The last time i remembered is that you mum told me " You wait long long! Mother in-law HA! you must be kiddin me.. I don't want a son in-law like you man!" hahaha! Manuel i know your sister's only 7 or 8yrs old that's why your mum ask me to wait long long... how kind of she? So i'll be waiting till she turns 20 wahahhaa! By than i'll probably be some old freak haha!
Good thing my brother reads my blog, knows that i'm bored and than he called me and said "Omg Calvin.. even you are into this kind of blogging stuff.." hahaha! Yea.. so he ask me out for dinner with him and Angel. So we had our food at Fish & Co! Chit chat alittle and than fly home! Oh yea! Thanks for the dinner Kor!
Good thing my brother reads my blog, knows that i'm bored and than he called me and said "Omg Calvin.. even you are into this kind of blogging stuff.." hahaha! Yea.. so he ask me out for dinner with him and Angel. So we had our food at Fish & Co! Chit chat alittle and than fly home! Oh yea! Thanks for the dinner Kor!
Monday, January 19, 2009
I love Petrina Tan man!
I went to TTSH for my eye appointment waited there for almost 2hrs? I was suppose to be seen be Evelyn Loo but guess she was too busy so Petrina Tan took me! YAY! As per usual those starter questions doctors usually asked. Follow by here comes hell. She started torturing my eyes, putting some yellow medicines around my eyes that still stains. I kept figidting because it's so PAINFULLLLL... She keeps saying No No No.. Don't move, stay still there Calvin.. Now I feel so like a DOG!!!! Thats how owners talk to their dogs! I keep telling her it's very painful.. And all she does is Mmm.. Mmm.. WTH?? Petrina Tan" Alright! It's done! Fast right?" Now i feel like a little boy seeing a doctor...... ZzzZzz... Next she asked for my eye drops and i showed her. I asked her how many drops to drip into each eye? Petrina Tan "Keep dripping until 1drop gets into your eyes Hahahahhahaaaa" I was like HUh????? I think she's trying to tell a cold joke so i entertain her and Wahahahaha too. Next... HAHA the reason why i love her so much! She "So do you need MC?" In my mind ( of course! who wouldn't want?).... So i told her 2 days can! And she straight away repiled "Alright! sure!".... WEE~~ I shud asked for more man! Shud have remember she gave me 3days the last time! Fuck? why?? Next she set an appointment for me and "I'll see you in 2weeks time alright?" Of course my ans is "Yea sure!" hahha! I'm gonna see her again! Yum seng to more MCs! haha! Just kidding! Anyway, she's a really good doctor. It's not just about the Mc thing. She's just good at attending to her paitents. I like her man!
Next went down to Juno's to cut my hair, anyway Juno's my brother and my hairstylist. It's not a shop name! And than home sweet home! Anyway quite a lucky day.. saw Ril on the streets and exchange number, Woooo really old friend man. Got home msn with Fu quan for alittle while and his like WTF? You Blog? Faggot....
Now i'll probably be going for dessert with O'cheks. And SLEEP. I'm so TIRED!! Anyway i wanna go out tmr but i'm plan(less) and friendless! So bring me out! I've SO NOTHING TO DO!! BORING!!!!
Next went down to Juno's to cut my hair, anyway Juno's my brother and my hairstylist. It's not a shop name! And than home sweet home! Anyway quite a lucky day.. saw Ril on the streets and exchange number, Woooo really old friend man. Got home msn with Fu quan for alittle while and his like WTF? You Blog? Faggot....
Now i'll probably be going for dessert with O'cheks. And SLEEP. I'm so TIRED!! Anyway i wanna go out tmr but i'm plan(less) and friendless! So bring me out! I've SO NOTHING TO DO!! BORING!!!!
Stupid pictures...... Jiaming doesn't believe he has wrinkles so i prove it to him.
It was really super no life on saturday! We had Carls Junior for dinner and than we went over to play some games hahaaaa! We haven't entered a Lan shop for almost a year. Wahahaha! We played some killing zombies game woo~~ it's really freaky. Jiaming got shocked by the zombies and jerk! Me too! hahah! Follow by we went for our movie at 3.50am PUNISHER, stupid show. I hear lots of snore in the theatre ha! Like i say.... this was a really NO LIFE SATURDAY!! Least there's still lots of laughter and enjoyment wahaha! Long story..
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