I was admitted to Tan Tock Seng hospital observation ward this morning for about 4hrs? Mygrain, breathing difficulty, flu, eyes really hot and red and i think alittle bit of fever. And i can't sleep since yesterday. All just happen so suddenly.. They had given me drips and steroid. Steroid? for what? I overheard what the doctor was saying.. Haaahaaa.. I was really bored!! Can't sleep! I keep telling the nurses i am really bored, what time can i go? And they just tell me, just bare with it alright? Doctor will come see you soon. I felt so like a little boy at that time. ZzzZzzzz.. I got scold by this attachment nurse because i walked bare footed to the toliet.. what the?? And while she takes my BP and everything she asked me a weird question "Do you know where you are Calvin?" With that talking to little boy tone.. I was like HUH? for a moment. She said "Do you know you are in the hospital?" I was like WHAT THE?? Of course i know i'm in the hospital man.. I'm the one who came here.. why wouldn't i know? And than hee hee haa... I asked her what time can i go? She said soon, awhile more. The drip is painful is it? I said noo.. I'm just really bored right now.. At least kind enough she was, entertain and talk to me for that little while. But i'm still BORED!! So i talked with the Lau Ah Pek beside my bed! Chit chat alittle, now i feel less bored heee heee! The doctor came in soon after, (touch her finger touch my nose, touch her finger touch my nose) for like 4-5 times? I feel so like an IDOIT man! She's hot anyway, i still remember her name, Tay siew something.... Hahahahhaaa! The women doctors in TTH, some are really hot man! I remembered a few, my eye specialist Pertrina Tan and Heng Li Wei. Wahhahah! Good memory i've got man! I LOVE man them! Always giving me 3days MC. wahahhaa! Anyway i've got an eye appointment this monday and waiting for my Neuroloigist <--- (think it's spelled this way?) appointment. For? I've no idea man! Longgg lonngg way to go man.. Anyway i'm feeling alright now! Doctor says it isn't a big issue at all, probably just due to not enough sleep and the stress at work. Quite true.. I agree!!
Damn.. i'm suppose to see Danica for food today but guess we just have to make it some other times. Will make it up you, my bad! See you soon.
I was always hoping to see Shawn Wesley soon for food somedays too. Dude! I know you have been dying for your Heroes. hahaha! My bad alright? Schedule kinda little bit packed so... Anyway i'll see you when i see you alright!
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